Slovak try-outs III 2024
May 25, 2024

Start: May 25, 2024

End: May 26, 2024

Country: Slovenska Republika / Slovakia

Club: RSDC

Admin of event: Juraj Ruža

Spravca preteku: Beata Podobná, Alexandra Slezáková

Event agenda: Propozicie SK , Propositions EN


Rose Speedlight Dog Camp invites to the third round of try-outs of Agility Team Slovakia for EO and AWC 2024!

--- Competition will be held in the HALL EJVA ---


Saturday 25.5.2024
8.00 – 8.45 Registration
9.00 Open Agility M - S
Open Agility I - L
Open Jumping M - S
Open Jumping I - L

Sunday 26.5.2024
8.00 – 8.45 Registration (for teams starting only on Sunday)
9.00 Open Jumping M - S
Open Jumping I - L
Open Agility M - S
Open Agility I - L

Competition is open for all participating teams with valid licence or record book (including foreign teams and teams not participating in the qualification)

(i) Time plan will be published after entry deadline at least 1 day before the competition

Judge: Jeremy Manno (BE)
Guarantee: Juraj Ruža
Venue: RSDC / Kynologická hala RSDC, o.z.
Area of BETA-CAR, Drevárska 23, Pezinok, Slovakia
GPS 48°16'40"N, 17°16'11"E (48.277998, 17.270119)

O projekte

Tento portal bol vytvoreny pre zjednodusenie prihlasovani na agility preteky. Kazdy slovensky agility klub ma moznost pouzivat tento portal zdarma.

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