Sunny Race RS & Open SK CH of Australian breeds and Belgian shepherds 2025 and 21. SK Champs of BOC
Aug. 16, 2025

Start: Aug. 16, 2025

End: Aug. 17, 2025

Country: Slovenska Republika / Slovakia

Club: RSDC

Garant: Juraj Ruža

Spravca: Beata Podobná, Alexandra Slezáková

Entry fee:
- Cely pretek: 36.00 €
- Dalsi pes: 36.00 €
- Jeden den: 26.00 €
- Dalsi pes: 26.00 €

Event agenda: Propozicie SK , Propositions EN

Rose Speedlight Dog Camp invites to open Slovak Championship of Australian breeds and Belgian shepherds and 21st Slovak Championship of Border collies!

--- Competition will be held in the HALL EJVA ---


Saturday 16.8.2025

8.00 – 8.20 Registration A1
(Registration for A2 & A3 later according to time plan)
8.30 2x exam A1 (S-M-I-L)
2x exam A3
2x exam A2

Sunday 17.8.2025
8.00 - 8.20 Registration (for teams starting only on Sunday)
8.30 Open Jumping (S-M-I-L)
Open Agility I.
Open Agility II.

On Sunday the Open Slovak Championship of Australian breeds 2025 will take place - list of competing breeds and conditions of participation can be found in the event's propositions

On Sunday the Open Slovak Championship of Belgian shepherds 2025 will take place - conditions of participation can be found in the event's propositions

On Sunday the 21st Slovak Championship of Border collies will take place - conditions of participation can be found in the event's propositions

(i) Time plan will be published after entry deadline at least 1 day before the competition

Judges: Tom Mercebach (DK) & Juraj Ruža (SK)
Guarantee: Juraj Ruža
Venue: RSDC / Kynologická hala RSDC, o.z.
Area of BETA-CAR, Drevárska 23, Pezinok, Slovakia
GPS 48°16'40"N, 17°16'11"E (48.277998, 17.270119)

Aby ste sa mohli registrovat na tieto preteky, musite byt prihlaseny.

Prihlasit sa

Teams registered
Finished registrations
Free places


A3 6

A2 8

A1 2


A3 5

A2 3

A1 3


A3 0

A2 0

A1 0


A3 2

A2 1

A1 2

Starting list

Zoznam registrovanych pretekarov

Name Photo Dog Breed Category Club Country Status
Adrian Thomay Molly Šeltia / Shetland Sheepdog SMALL (A3) Agility klub AJKA SK
Martina Vakoničová A3CH ROZITA RAY Vakonič Family Borderská kólia / Border Collie LARGE (A3) AK Skiper Bratislava SK
Martina Vakoničová A3CH BORIA BAY Vakonič Family Borderská kólia / Border Collie LARGE (A3) AK Skiper Bratislava SK
Martina Vakoničová DARIA DAY Vakonič Family Borderská kólia / Border Collie LARGE (A3) AK Skiper Bratislava SK
Alžbeta Gromovská Beny Kríženec / Mixbreed LARGE (A2) Mestský kynologický klub Handlová SK
Alžbeta Gromovská Sabre II. de Alphaville Bohemia Belgický ovčiak / Belgian Shepherd Dog LARGE (A1) Mestský kynologický klub Handlová SK
Andreas Adlboller Butterfly od Panskych sadu Borderská kólia / Border Collie LARGE (A2) ÖRV HSV Donaustadt AT
Andreas Adlboller Herding Devils Flanking Fleet Borderská kólia / Border Collie LARGE (A3) ÖRV HSV Donaustadt AT
Natália Hrušková Lalka Kokobolo Pudel / Poodle SMALL (A2) t.j. CA Žilina SK
Nina Pažická Amanda Kríženec / Mixbreed INTERMEDIATE (A1) Agility klub LAZANY SK
Sofia Zoe Purmova Bambi Fantasaurs Belgický ovčiak Malinois / Belgian Shepherd Dog Malinois LARGE (A2) AK Joy Michalovce SK
Sofia Zoe Purmova Jenny Kríženec / Mixbreed INTERMEDIATE (A2) AK Joy Michalovce SK
Marek Pravda COCO Simple reason Borderská kólia / Border Collie INTERMEDIATE (A1) Agility AllStars Bratislava SK
Karl Heinz Ganzi Mi Sombra's Yupi Doo Austrálsky ovčiak / Australian Shepherd INTERMEDIATE (A1) ÖRV HSV Donaustadt AT
Karl Heinz Ganzi NasgulBorder‘s Ibo Borderská kólia / Border Collie LARGE (A3) ÖRV HSV Donaustadt AT
Jennifer Kasper Mi Sombra's Miss Jackson Austrálsky ovčiak / Australian Shepherd INTERMEDIATE (A3) ÖRV HSV Donaustadt AT
Juraj Kromholc Orion Rotto Borderská kólia / Border Collie LARGE (A2) AGILITY klub TINKY SK
Veronika Cibulková Qwerteus Quick Angel Borderská kólia / Border Collie LARGE (A2) Quick angel team SK
Nikol Cholastová A3Ch Be Ready to Win Bellis Hope Borderská kólia / Border Collie INTERMEDIATE (A3) Agility Halenkovice CZ
Milena Kohutková Ceys Acecard Borderská kólia / Border Collie INTERMEDIATE (A3) AK Skiper Bratislava SK
Milena Kohutková Lucy Borderská kólia / Border Collie LARGE (A3) AK Skiper Bratislava SK
Adam Ščibrány Velox Crur Dia Lagotto Romagnolo / Lagotto Romagnolo INTERMEDIATE (A2) AGILITY klub TINKY SK
Viktoria Varga Indy In Fidem Belgický ovčiak Malinois / Belgian Shepherd Dog Malinois LARGE (A2) MEOE HU
Urska Maganja Fawn Kiwi vom Weissen Unterberg Pudel / Poodle SMALL (A1) ÖRV HSV Donaustadt AT
Urska Maganja Be divine Freya Paws of Sky Borderská kólia / Border Collie LARGE (A2) ÖRV HSV Donaustadt AT
Klemen Maganja Velvet Queenie von Sunn-Hof Borderská kólia / Border Collie INTERMEDIATE (A2) ÖRV HSV Donaustadt AT
Marco Gschaider Ruff'n'Tuff Dancing in the Dark Austrálsky ovčiak / Australian Shepherd INTERMEDIATE (A3) ÖRV HSV Donaustadt AT
Klara Kuźnik Nanoraptor Brace Yourself Ponto Austrálska kelpia / Australian Kelpie INTERMEDIATE (A3) ÖGV HSC Simmering AT
Adela Hraňová Uriash Deabei Borderská kólia / Border Collie LARGE (A1) AK FIFI Poluvsie SK
Elena Medová Di Wonder Woman Rose Speedlight Patterdale teriér / Patterdale Terrier SMALL (A3) Kynologický klub Cífer SK
Natália Belková Mia Kríženec / Mixbreed SMALL (A1) Quick angel team SK
Marta Uhlíková Birdy Dog Arabat Belgický ovčiak Tervuren / Belgian Shepherd Dog Tervuren LARGE (A2) SMART dog club SK

O projekte

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