Storm Cup 2024
June 16, 2024

Start: June 16, 2024

End: June 16, 2024

Country: Slovenska Republika / Slovakia

Club: RSDC

Admin of event: Juraj Ruža

Spravca preteku: Beata Podobná, Alexandra Slezáková

Event agenda: Propozicie SK , Propositions EN


Rose Speedlight Dog Camp invites to one-day competition with grand Final!

--- Competition will be held in the HALL EJVA ---


Sunday 16.6.2024
8.00 – 8.20 Registration
8.30 Open Jumping I (S-M-I-L)
Open Jumping II
Open Agility
STORM FINAL (Open Agility)

(i) Time plan will be published after entry deadline at least 1 day before the competition

Judge: Eva Svobodová (CZ)
Guarantee: Juraj Ruža, Alexandra Slezáková & Beata Podobná
Venue: RSDC / Kynologická hala RSDC, o.z.
Area of BETA-CAR, Drevárska 23, Pezinok, Slovakia
GPS 48°16'40"N, 17°16'11"E (48.277998, 17.270119)

O projekte

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